

What are nouns?

Nouns are names of peoples, place animals, thing, idea or emotion.

A.  Types of Nouns

Abstract nouns can be formed in three ways:

• from adjectives

innocent-innocence, popular-popularity, bold-boldness, deep-depth.

  •   from verbs

choose-choice, discover-discovery, free-freedom, emit-emission

  •       from common nouns

woman- womanhood, slave -slavery, friend-friendship, bankrupt-bankruptcy Many suffixes such as -acy, -age, -al, -dom, -hood, -ence, -ity, -ment, -ness, -th, etc. are used to form abstract nouns.


A.  Gender :-

Nouns can be classified as masculine gender, feminine gender, common gender or neuter gender.

C. Number: Singular and Plural Nouns

Nouns that name one person, animal or things are singular nouns. Example: man, giraffe, box

Nouns that name more than one person, animal or things are plural nouns. Example: men, giraffes, boxes

·       Most singular nouns can be changed to plural by adding an 's. However, there are certain rules for changing singular into plural.

·       There are nouns that have the same singular and plural form, and a few others do not change their form at all.

D. Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns

The names of things that can be counted are known as countable nouns.

·       They have singular as well as plural forms. (mouse-mice, chair-chairs)

·       They can be quantified ( Four woman, Several families)

Uncountable Noun

The names of things which cannot be counted are known as uncountable nouns.

They can be only used in singular form (sugar, memory, money). But we can still say six packets of sugar, a purse full of money, two bytes of memory.

•  They are generally quantified by an amount rather than a number

little oil, five litres of oil, some gravel, a truckload of gravel

The words a, an and one cannot be used uncountable nouns.

The words such as some, plenty of any can be used before both countable and uncountable.


Overview of Nouns

Try to solve Questions of Noun


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